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Ashley Burris - Artist

Hello, I am Ashley. I have not had the easiest time in life, but I know things can always be worse. I try to keep my head up and shine bright for those around me who may benefit from my light, even when I don't think it's bright enough. I have had my share of struggles, and through each one I rose like a phoenix from the ashes of its own demise. I have suffered through abusive relationships, toxic people, and the loss of my husband, Howard, 4 days before our 2nd wedding anniversary. His artwork always astounded me, his skill; mesmerizing. I was so close to having his art tattooed on me, but his collection of drawings has gone missing.

When he passed and my stepdaughter moved back with her mother, my world crumbled around me. I was a shell, I felt like I had nothing worth living for. My best friend in the entire world, Kara (mother to my 3 beautiful godchildren) grabbed me and shook me from 6 hours away and told me to join this amazing group of women. That is the second most wonderful thing she ever did for me, next to introducing Howard and I. The love, support, encouragement, and community I found with The Warrior Mamas is unmatched. These women pulled me out of my darkest moment and held a mirror up to me to show me how strong I really am. In under a year with this organization, I regained confidence I never knew I had, and, I am physically stronger than I have ever been in my life.

Armed with the knowledge that I have a global army of amazing women behind me, I am going to share my art with the world. I create acrylic pour paintings. Originally it was just a hobby to help me relax and burn off bad energy. After showing my work to a few of the mamas, they convinced me to sell my art!

These ladies believe in me. I don't want to let them down.

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